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I Am Breast Feeding So How Often Should I Pump

Exclusive Pumping Guide


Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Wu, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.

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on June 23, 2022

Exclusive pumping (EPing)? Here's what you need to know if you plan on pumping breast milk exclusively without breastfeeding.

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"How are you feeding your baby?" This question is typically followed by two checkboxes: one for breastfeeding, one for formula-feeding. If you are an exclusively pumping mom, this either-or option can leave you feeling unsupported, confused and hopefully not in tears.

This underrecognized type of breastfeeding does not get the credit and support it deserves. Here's why you might exclusively pump and all about how to EP successfully.

What is exclusive pumping?

Exclusive pumping (also referred to as "EPing") means that you make the choice to give your baby only breast milk that you express or pump. If you think that sounds time-intensive, it is.

Babies are fed breast milk by bottle, NG tube or other means, rather than directly at the breast. It is a viable option for many mothers and requires strength, discipline and dedication. Even if your baby does not "breast" feed, your milk is still important nutrition for your baby.

Why you might choose to exclusively pump

How you choose to feed your baby is a personal choice and one you should never feel guilty about — especially if you are exclusively pumping. While you may be the only one in your family or friend circle sneaking away to pump every few hours, know you aren't alone.

  • Women choose to pump for any one of these reasons:
  • Preterm, low-birthweight or hospitalized baby
  • Latch problems (e.g., breast refusal, shallow latch, pain on latch-on, baby too sleepy, cleft palate, tongue-tie, lip-tie, inverted nipples)
  • Twins and multiples
  • Early breastfeeding problems or lack of support
  • Separation of mother and baby
  • Return to work early (and need to have others help feed the baby)
  • Sexual abuse history
  • Discomfort directly feeding the baby at the breast
  • Desire to monitor baby's milk intake and schedule feedings
  • Stress

How much milk should you be producing when exclusively pumping?

Your baby will likely take in an average of 25 to 35 ounces of milk per day, depending upon her needs. If your milk supply drops, you'll need to increase the number of times you pump.

The body makes milk around the clock because babies are designed to nurse frequently. It's important to remember every woman is different, though. Some can pump five times a day and maintain a full supply (i.e., enough to make babies happy and gain weight) while others need to pump nine or 10 times a day. It all depends upon how much milk you store in your breasts.

Always call your pediatrician with any questions or concerns specific to you and your baby.

Can I exclusively pump as soon as my baby is born?

Yes! If you know you will go this route ahead of time, there are some steps to take to ensure you produce the amount of milk your baby needs to thrive.

  • Before birth: Research and order what you'll need in advance (around 35 or 36 weeks of pregnancy). You can get a consumer-grade pump for free with health insurance, but you'll probably want to rent a hospital-grade pump, which is more efficient.
  • Within the first hour after your baby is born: Hand express your colostrum as soon as possible, and ask for pumping support from the hospital.
  • Day 1: Hand express your colostrum frequently (every one to three hours); it's often easier than using a breast pump.
  • Day 2: Switch to a hospital-grade electric breast pump, pumping both breasts at the same time at least eight to 10 times in 24 hours until you are certain that you have more than enough milk for your baby.
  • In the early months: You will need to pump enough to keep up with your baby's demand for breast milk, which is different from babies who are fed formula. (Newborn babies nurse from the breast eight to 12 times a day on average.) This means lots of nighttime pumping sessions!

Exclusive pumping schedule

Moms who pump exclusively can follow whatever schedule works for them if they can establish their full milk supply (up to 25 to 35 ounces a day on average). If you have a Type A personality, daily (and nightly) pumping, feeding and cleaning schedules may add some order to your new parenting chaos. The struggle is real!

Things to keep in mind when it comes to schedules:

  • Pump longer than 10 minutes once your milk supply begins to increase. But try to avoid pumping for longer than 20 minutes at a time … it's grueling. Many women find that pumping for about two minutes after the last drop of milk is a good way to stimulate more milk.
  • There' s an app for that! (Actually, there are many!) Some moms decide how many times they want to pump in 24 hours, and use an app to track the number of times they pump and get alerts. It's also handy to show it to your pediatrician at your baby's well visits.
  • Take inventory of your support system and your baby's sleep schedule. Who actually sleeps when their baby is sleeping? It sure isn't an exclusively pumping mama! When you are preparing your pumping schedule, try to think about times when you know you'll also have support, freeing you to pump if the baby cries, needs to be changed, fed, played with, you get the idea.

Exclusive pumping tips

  • Rent a hospital-grade breast pump. These are also called high efficiency double-electric pumps. Ask your hospital, local breastfeeding support center or pharmacy about rental options. Hospital-grade pumps are expensive to purchase but renting them is a great option. Consumer-grade pumps sold in stores (and frequently provided by insurance companies) are designed to maintain your supply; EPers need something stronger. Make it easier on yourself!
  • Set up an in-house pumping and sanitizing station. The biggest risk with exclusive pumping is contamination. (And with all the bottle and pump parts that need cleaning, your sink will always be full!) Some exclusive pumpers buy extra pump parts so they don't have to clean them after every single session (like how you have more than one plate and cup in your house). Staying one step ahead and knowing where everything is can make the process run smoother — especially when you're half asleep.
  • Store safely. Learn and follow all the guidelines for safely storing and freezing your breast milk.
  • Get good breast shields (flanges). Your pump comes with a few different flange sizes ranging from 21 to 37 millimeters, but if they aren't working for you, don't settle. Many mamas with large nipples find that a standard size flange is too small to accommodate both the large nipple and subsequent swelling that happens during pumping. You can order different size breast shields online or go to your local breastfeeding support center.
  • Don't forget to take care of yourself. You work so hard to stay healthy when you're pregnant, so don't forget to eat, drink water and take time for yourself when you can. (Remember your baby is accustomed to taking a bottle with breast milk; anyone can give it.)
  • Try to make your pumping sessions enjoyable. Catch up on your latest Netflix binge, play on your phone, page through a magazine or just close your eyes and enjoy the break.

Maybe you don't have a portrait of you and your babe nursing at the breast à la Leonardo da Vinci's Madonna and Child. Who cares? Pumping is not only beautiful, it shows you are one strong and determined parent!

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Shawn Johnson East Gets Real About the Struggles of Exclusive Pumping, January 2020.
  • Hand to Hold, Exclusive Pumping: A Different Perspective on Breastfeeding, August 2018.
  • Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition Conference, Breastfeeding Without Nursing: Exclusive Pumping, October 2019.
  • New York City Health Department, Why Exclusive Breastfeeding?
  • MilkWorks Community Breastfeeding Center, Exclusively Pumping, March 2020.

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